Una Power calls for end to boys’ club in government departments
The Green Party has called for more to be done to ensure gender balance at management level in government departments following reports that the managerial levels across government departments are heavily male dominated.
Speaking today, Green Party Women’s Officer Una Power said: “While the Civil Service ensures equal pay for equal work, figures reported today highlight a worrying trend when it comes to women progressing to management positions.
“Questions must be asked as to why women are not breaking through to managerial level in government departments at the same rate as their male colleagues. There needs to be answers as to why there are so many women at Clerical Officer Level, presenting a pool of talent to draw from, yet their numbers aren’t mirrored at a higher level.
“The Government should release data on the efficacy of measures such as the W-LEAD programme in promoting more women. Ensuring that more women break through to managerial positions is important, as data is showing that gender balance at a management level leads to better decision making and governance. Government departments should be leaders in equality and good governance structure.”