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Leo’s Silver Linings Playbook is a bad read
Varadkar’s bright side of life comments undermine the dark side of climate change “One thing that we definitely face as a result of climate change is warmer winters. We’re already experiencing warmer winters, and that actually means using less energy...
BusConnects Shankill
Currently there’s a lot of talk in the area about BusConnects and the changes proposed in Shankill village. Here’s a little outline of what’s involved and Consultation Process Right now we are at the very being of this project phase and people are being asked to put...
Public Meeting: Working Together for Climate Action
Whatever the problem, community is the solution! If we are to address the challenge of climate change, then we must work together! Join me on at 7:30pm April 10th in The Graduate to share your ideas on how we as a community can work together to tackle climate change....
Green Party Submission to DLRCC Climate Change Action Plan
Recently Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council ran a consultation on developing a Dublin wide Climate Change Action Plan. Given the threats posed by climate change to our county – coastal erosion, flooding, pollution – there is a huge need for strong...
Old Connaught Local Area Plan Submission
Recently Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council held a pre-draft consultation for the Old Connaught Local Area Plan. Working with members of the community in Old Connaught, Shankill and Bray, I put together this submission to the plan. Una Power Submission to Old...
Blocking of climate Bill is ‘environmental vandalism’
… “Also speaking at the vigil, Green Party representative Una Power said that we should be “exploring solutions, not exploring our seas,” for oil and gas. “And I’ve got such heart, despite the laggardness of Fine Gael, despite the fact that they keep on...
Take disadvantage away from children, not their mobiles
You probably saw the news that an ESRI study found that children who owned phones at 9 scored 4 per cent less on average in reading and maths tests at 13 than their phoneless counterparts. It grabs the attention. Are phones stunting our children’s development? Are we...
The future for a service for vulnerable families is uncertain unless it can secure funding from the government. Based in Shankill, The Cottage Home Child and Family Services is a voluntary child care organisation and has worked with more than 100 families and 150...
… Green Party Killiney-Shankill representative Una Power told Dublin Gazette the government need to “stop dragging their feet” on the bill. “We know the damage done by plastic waste to our wildlife and biodiversity – we cannot afford to continue to delay. “Just...
Stopping single use plastics
Single use plastics are clogging our landfills, countryside and seas – we need to ban them and ensure that people are offered an alternative. When it comes to take-away coffee cups, the default choice for consumers should be the best choice for the...
Join Us at Pride 2017!
The Green Party has recorded a number of ‘firsts’ when supporting the LGBTQI community. However, our work is still far from finished. Join us at Pride 2017 in Dublin as we support equality, inclusion and progressive...
Una Power on Reducing Voting Age
Young Green Party member explains why the Green Party is supporting reducing the voting age for local and European elections from 18 to 16. Reducing the voting age will cultivate active citizenship and inclusion in the political process at an earlier age to help make...